Best 5 GPS systems

The Thomas Guide used to be the apex of car navigation, but GPS and digital-mapping technology have combined to make an evolutionary leap. These portable navigation systems can help you get from point A to point B with audible driving directions, color maps, points of interest, and much more. And while they were once a novelty tech toy for early adopters and gadget hounds, they've gained in popularity and the market is now flooded with them. To help you in your buying decision, we've selected our Top 5 picks for in-car GPS navigation systems. We will frequently update this list as we review new GPS devices, so check back often.
1. Garmin Nuvi 660
2. HP iPaq rx5900 Travel Companion
3. Magellan Maestro 4250
4. Mio C520 Navigation Receiver
5. TomTom GO 720


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